1kg of cassava leaves
½ cup of small pears
1 large pepper
5 celery leaves
2 red onions
10 cloves of garlic
¼ kg of vegetable oil
Level 1
Bone Meat ½ kg
Taste 2
Gout 2
Maggi of the spring
¼ kg cg 3 tablespoons of Baking Powder
Water 4l
As expected
Prepare the fish Read how to prepare the fish
Take the bones and wash them well and cut them into equal pieces and put them in 3 liters of cold water and put them on a high flame.
Once it boils, add the sauce you have prepared
If it comes to a boil, add the onions and garlic, then cover
after 45 minutes it boils, check the condition, add two cups of hot water, let it boil again
Once it boils, add the oil, maggi sombe, onja and gouts, and leave it for 45 minutes and reduce the heat so that the oil cooks well.
If you add the drink after 45 minutes, put it on top and don’t mix it immediately because this mixture will become thick, let the drink cool down for about 20 minutes and then mix it. You can add a little more hot water depending on how hot you feel or how you like it.
Secret: it is better to cook the fish in a large pan where the fish are free
It is best to observe when to set the fire very high and when to reduce it.
Prepare it with fried rice or Cassava bread.